Our Mission


Aiken Outreach is dedicated to providing Aiken County high school students with the opportunity to share in high school activities in which they would not be able to participate, due to lack of financial resources.

We call it a “Lightening Rod” experience for these students.
We’re looking to create a simple but powerful action. We believe from these discreet moments a new pathway may open.

A Quiet Moment

Working with guidance counselors and teachers in the Aiken County high school system, we support students whose financial resources exclude them high school activities.
Aiken Outreach calls these “quiet moments” between a student and his or her teacher, when a student has the chance to speak in private about his or her needs. We support the student’s needs, not wants.
Our footprint is small but focused.



Pinpoint Philanthropy

Because Aiken Outreach has no administrative expenses, your total donation goes directly to the student. We call it “Pinpoint Philanthropy.” All donations are gratefully received and put to direct, immediate use.

How to Help

You can donate to help us continue this mission and reach individuals in need of aid. Your donation means the world to these kids and will help to create a lasting impact in their lives.